Centre for Obesity & Metabolic SurgeryYou deserve a second chance
Partners with us to re-invent yourself
Center For Obesity & Metabolic SurgeryTeam PromiseWe will hold your hand through this journey
Centre for Obesity & Metabolic Surgery
Obesity is essentially a problem of modernization. It is associated with plethora of diseases like Diabetes, high Blood Pressure, Infertility, Sleep apnea (snoring), Osteoarthritis, increase risk of heart diseases and cancer.
Obesity is reaching epidemic levels. It is the commonest cause of preventable death only second to smoking. Healthy living is the only bankable solution to prevent obesity. We at the COMS Centre have a wide spectrum of options available to solve this complex problem. At COMS, we have trained and accrediated dietician, psychologist and bariatric surgeons to formulate tailor made solutions to conquer obesity. We believe that everybody deserves a “second chance” and we would be delighted to hand hold you through this exciting journey into “a new second life”.
Our Services
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
Laparoscopic sleeve Gastrectomy is one of the most commonly performed bariatric procedure for Asian population…Read more

Roux en Y Bypass
Gastric bypass is a reversible weight loss procedure where surgeon staples and reroutes your digestive tract. A small pouch is created in the upper part of…Read more

Laparoscopic Mini Gastric Bypass
Laparoscopic Mini Gastric Bypass is another form of Gastric Bypass. In this the Gastric pouch is like a long sleeve which…Read more

Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding
In this procedure the surgeons implant an inflatable silicone band around the…Read more

Gastric Ballon
Gastric Ballon is a non surgical procedure, in which a soft balloon is inserted into your stomach through your mouth, using an endoscope…Read more

Patient Information
This low calorie diet is essential to make your surgery safer. Patients undergoing obesity surgery tend to have very enlarged livers. Weight…Read more

• Your doctor will review your medical history
• He will do details physical examination
• He will explain you various weight loss methods
• He will explain in detail about surgical procedures
• He will also evaluate mental health of the patient
• He will recommend counselling with registered dietician who will be a part of the team.
• Meet the doctor
• Fix an appointment for all tests which are required before the surgery
• Fix up a date for surgery, if tests are normal
• If BMI is more than 40-45, you will be given high protein liver shrinkage diet for 10-15 days prior to surgery.
• You will be trained to do breathing exercise
• You will be encouraged to do light physical activity depending upon your physical state.
• You will be seen by anaesthetist to make sure that you are fit for anaesthesia.
• You will need to be admitted a night before or early morning on the day of the surgery.
• It is better to have soap water bath in the morning of surgery.
• You will be taken to OT at 7 am in the morning.
• General anesthesia will be given so you can sleep during the surgery.
• Intravenous (IV) line will be placed in your hand for fluids and medications
• Tiny punctures will be made in the abdominal wall for telescope and instruments for the surgery and water proof small dressings will be placed at the puncture site.
• You will remain in recovery room for couple of hours for observation.
• You will be encouraged to walk in the recovery room itself.
• It is good to have small 4 to 6 small meals during a day after 4-5 weeks.
• Early physical activity should be encouraged. Any physical activity which might give you pleasure like swimming, gymming, cycling and brisk walking as desirable.
• Your doctor will review your medical history
• He will do details physical examination
• He will explain you various weight loss methods
• He will explain in detail about surgical procedures
• He will also evaluate mental health of the patient
• He will recommend counselling with registered dietician who will be a part of the team.
Success Story
I was suffering from blood pressure, sugar, gastritis, back pain and many other problems before surgery. My sugar level normally ranged between 260 to 300 for which I used to take insulin and oral medications, where then I decided to meet Dr. Deep Goel and his team, Bariatric surgeon, he explained me about different types of bariatric procedures in detail. My surgery was done on October 2014 and I have already… Read More
I had gotten to the point where I could no longer sit or walk for more than 10 minutes at a time. Diabetic, Hypertension, Depression, Anxiety, Obstructive Sleep Apnea and joint pain are a few of the conditions I was diagnosed with. I lost 42 Kg in 12 months time. The life threatening ailments are now gone!!! I not only lost the mental, physical and emotional, and spiritual weight on my life, I was transformed to a new way to live… Read More
A big part of having bariatric surgery is following your surgeon’s post-op instructions, changing your lifestyle by eating a healthier diet, consuming smaller meals throughout the day and engaging in a dedicated exercise program. After surgery, one of our top concerns will be your health. Our dedicated team of experts provides comprehensive care that will help you.
While everyone’s recovery from weight loss surgery is unique…Read more